
          The methods I will be using out in the field include interviews, observation, and surveys.  My primary audience would be Liahona students, ages ranging from 13 to 19, and also faculty members and health profession workers.  Since I will be working with children, adolescents under 18 years of age, I will provide consent forms for them.  I hope to conduct unstructured, semi-structured, and focus group interviews.  I want to sit in and observe teacher and student interaction, teaching approaches, learning methods, and activities used in health class. I also want to do participatory observation and assist the teacher in lesson planning and teaching.  I talked with my mentor and he suggested conducting the Global School-Based Student Health Survey which includes topics about alcohol use, dietary behaviors, drug use, hygiene, mental health, physical activity, protective factors, tobacco use, and violence and unintentional injury.  I will only be taking out topics I feel will be sensitive for adolescents to answer, and only use specific parts of the survey, which will be questions about dietary behaviors, hygiene, mental health, physical activity and protective factors.  The global survey was conducted in Tonga in 2010, and I would like to compare my results from the high school students at Liahona high school, with the results found from that survey taken two years ago.