First of all, I can't believe how fast time is flying, and it is already the mid-semester! I feel like I have learned a lot during the first half of the semester as we discussed the importance of communication, observations, and different note-taking methods. Some of the things that I'm just worried with is writing up the IRB Proposal and making sure it is complete and ready. It's crazy to think we will be leaving in three months (May 8)! I've been to Tonga twice and both times I wanted to stay there longer than planned because time goes by so fast! We will be there for 90 days (3 months) and I know our time there will go by fast.
I enjoyed the reading assigned today entitled, "Ophelia Syndrome." I think depending on what kind of situation we are in, we could see ourselves being as both a Polonius or an Ophelia. I think I could be more like Polonius when I am on familiar ground such as at home or among family and close friends. When I am babysitting my little cousins or nephews I am definitely more of a Polonius because I've had more experiences than them obviously because they are younger. However, I am definitely more of an Ophelia when it comes to school and sometimes church because I'm with a bunch of other people and I don't want to be wrong in a sense, and just out of fear of what others will think of me. Between the two characters, I feel like I'm more of an "Ophelia" because I put so much value on other people's opinion, which could be good and bad. If I have a comment or an idea, I would most likely get it passed by a friend or classmate before making it known to everyone else. I think being an Ophelia has its positives and negatives. One of the things mentioned in the reading was "Dare to know and trust yourself." I feel I am getting to know myself more and more especially as I am preparing my field study project. I am learning more about my interests. I realized how much I value education as a whole, and more so health education. As I am in Tonga and working independently, I will have to learn to trust myself more to be able to make decisions that will help conduct my project. Learning more about myself and being able to trust myself more will give me that confidence to make that balance between Ophelia and Polonius.
I think this reading was on point because it helped me step back and realize where I stand on the scale. It will be important for me to find a balance here so I could have that balance in the field, especially because I will be working independently and will have to make important decisions. Our time there in Tonga is limited, and so finding that balance between Ophelia and Polonius is so important as it will affect how we will go about doing our research and also our results and answers.
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